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Where is STEREO Today?

Positions of STEREO A and B for 3-May-2024 23:00 UT

Plot of spacecraft positions

This figure plots the current positions of the STEREO Ahead (red) and Behind (blue) spacecraft relative to the Sun (yellow) and Earth (green). The dotted lines show the angular displacement from the Sun. Units are in A.U.

When the two spacecraft are close to Earth, an expanded view of the region around Earth will appear on the right, in the same orientation as the Sun-centered view.

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                                STEREO-B           Earth        STEREO-A       Parker SP   Solar Orbiter     BepiColombo

Heliocentric distance (AU)      1.037832        1.008306        0.957091        0.715641        0.624772        0.428423
Semidiameter (arcsec)            924.647         951.723        1002.650        1340.935        1535.964        2239.909

HCI longitude                    132.026         148.091         160.052         245.793         312.053         255.825
HCI latitude                      -5.531          -3.845          -2.435           3.540           7.855           1.352

Carrington longitude              17.306          33.372          45.333         131.073         197.333         141.105
Carrington rotation number      2283.952        2283.907        2283.874        2283.636        2283.452        2283.608

Heliographic (HEEQ) longitude    -16.065           0.000          11.961          97.702         163.961         107.733
Heliographic (HEEQ) latitude      -5.531          -3.845          -2.435           3.540           7.855           1.352

HAE longitude                    207.552         223.651         235.676         321.571          27.382         331.523

Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude   -16.099           0.000          12.026          97.920         163.731         107.873
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) latitude     -0.133           0.000           0.048          -3.078           2.450          -5.679

Roll from ecliptic north          -0.463                          -0.225
Roll from solar north             -5.311                          -7.040

Light travel time to Earth (min)           2.395           1.764                  10.931          13.451          10.064

Separation angle with Earth               16.099          12.026                  97.909         163.553         107.782
Separation angle A with B                         28.125

Carrington rotation 2283 runs from 2024-04-09 05:32 (DOY 100.23) to
2024-05-06 11:35 (DOY 127.48), as seen from Earth.

Last Revised: Friday, 03-May-2024 19:01:06 EDT
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