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Where is STEREO Today?

Positions of STEREO A and B for 1-Jun-2024 15:00 UT

Plot of spacecraft positions

This figure plots the current positions of the STEREO Ahead (red) and Behind (blue) spacecraft relative to the Sun (yellow) and Earth (green). The dotted lines show the angular displacement from the Sun. Units are in A.U.

When the two spacecraft are close to Earth, an expanded view of the region around Earth will appear on the right, in the same orientation as the Sun-centered view.

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                                STEREO-B           Earth        STEREO-A       Parker SP   Solar Orbiter     BepiColombo

Heliocentric distance (AU)      1.057072        1.014123        0.954977        0.671855        0.868034        0.343522
Semidiameter (arcsec)            907.817         946.263        1004.870        1428.326        1105.519        2793.493

HCI longitude                    158.230         175.536         190.128         262.734         345.796          51.554
HCI latitude                      -2.883          -0.564           1.386           3.832           5.711           0.071

Carrington longitude             356.891          14.197          28.789         101.395         184.457         250.215
Carrington rotation number      2285.009        2284.961        2284.920        2284.718        2284.488        2285.305

Heliographic (HEEQ) longitude    -17.306           0.000          14.592          87.198         170.260        -123.982
Heliographic (HEEQ) latitude      -2.883          -0.564           1.386           3.832           5.711           0.071

HAE longitude                    233.816         251.266         265.986         338.503          60.971         127.090

Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude   -17.450          -0.000          14.720          87.237         169.705        -124.176
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) latitude     -0.183          -0.000           0.100          -3.362           3.896           5.747

Roll from ecliptic north          -0.584                          -0.379
Roll from solar north             -7.316                          -7.517

Light travel time to Earth (min)           2.637           2.154                   9.891          15.583          10.308

Separation angle with Earth               17.451          14.721                  87.242         168.999         123.981
Separation angle A with B                         32.172

Carrington rotation 2284 runs from 2024-05-06 11:35 (DOY 127.48) to
2024-06-02 16:44 (DOY 154.70), as seen from Earth.

Last Revised: Saturday, 01-Jun-2024 11:01:06 EDT
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